Outcome of the F.I.C.B. General Assembly on 30 January

In this period of pandemic, the 2021 F.I.C.B. general assembly was held in Paris as scheduled on 30 January, but under exceptional conditions.

opening of the 2021 General Assembly at the Paris 16 House of Associations

A special French legislation due to the restrictions for travelling allowed this year for voting by correspondence. The resolutions submitted to the general assembly for approval had thus been prepared by a remote meeting of the board of administration held on 21 January and members were able to vote by correspondence. Thanks to this provision, the quorum (19, i.e. at least one-third of the members present or represented) was largely achieved: 44 members present or represented or having voted by (e)mail, out of 57.

Jacques Jeannerat, Grand Master of the Académie du Cep(CH)
Michel Devot (President Cocorico-FR) and Paul Dalon (V.P. France-North)

The main decisions of the general assembly were as follows :

– Approval of the president’s report, the income statement and the balance sheet for 2020, with ratification of the possibility given to members in difficulty due to the pandemic to pay only one membership fee for 2020 and 2021;

Updating of the calendar of F.I.C.B. international events: International Congress in Italy from 3 to 9 June 2021 (to be reconfirmed however before the end of the first quarter depending on the evolution of the world health situation), International Wine Tasting Challenge in Hungary from 2 to 7 June 2022 and International Congress in Portugal from 24 to 29 May 2023;

– Project for a “Madeira Wine Discovery Tour”, sponsored by the F.I.C.B. in autumn 2022;

– Decision to ask the executive committee to propose to the 2022 General Assembly a revision of the statutes on the following points :

  • Clarify the conditions for the renewal of the mandates of the members of the board of administration;
  • Provide details on the appointments and responsibilities of the Vice-Presidents;
  • Give the possibility of voting by correspondence for the general assembly, when external circumstances so require;
  • Make reference to the “International Charter of the F.I.C.B.’s wine brotherhoods” adopted in 2015.
  • Include the new types of F.I.C.B. events created since the last revision of the statutes in 2011: “F.I.C.B. International Wine Tasting Challenge” and “F.I.C.B. sponsored wine discovery stays”.

– Approval of the 2021 Budget with renewal of the membership fees (active member: €150, associate member: €100, admission fee: €50).

– Fixing of the date of the 2022 general assembly to Saturday 29 January 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in Paris

At the end of the general assembly, the president thanked the members for their understanding and their adaptation to the particular circumstances of the organisation of this general assembly, and wished everyone good health and soon an exit from the period of pandemic that affects the whole planet, with the hope of soon returning to the convivial gatherings that characterise our wine brotherhoods and our federation.

Cold lunch at the Wine Museum
(from left to right Marc Lesk, Secretary General, Alain Huet, Treasurer, Jacques Jeannerat, Alan Bryden, President, Michel Devot, Oleg Sisi (Lega del Chianti)

Click here for a more detailed presentation of the outcome of the 2021 General Assembly

Click here for the president’s 2020 Report

the president opens an excellent bottle of Nebbiolo Barbarossa offered by the Knights of Alba

A few days earlier, on January 21, the Board of Administration had held a videoconference meeting using the Zoom application. Fifteen members participated.

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