Laurence Guillon, new Secretary General of F.I.C.B.

At its meeting in Reims on 29 May 2014, the Board of Administration of F.I.C.B. appointed Laurence Guillon as Secretary General of F.I.C.B. to replace Claude Rufini who had wished to retire after many years of efficient service to our federation.

Laurence Guillon has been for seven years Secretary General of the Académie du Cep in Geneva, and is as well its “Garde des sceaux” (chancellor). In this Brotherhood, she holds the grade of “Maître Chevalier 2ème Grappe”, after having 30 times identified 5 wines out of 5. Laurence took her office as Secretary General of F.I.C.B. on 4 September during a working session held in Veyrier (Switzerland) with the participation of Alan Bryden, President of F.I.C.B., Claude Rufini and Francis Mottaz, Grand Maître of the Académie du Cep.

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