Visit to the Portuguese wine brotherhoods

Portugal is a country of great wine tradition and, naturally, wine brotherhoods are very active there. They have in the past organized several F.I.C.B. International Congresses, the latest in 1998.

The president of F.I.C.B., Alan BRYDEN, paid a visit to them in early May 2016. The meetings confirmed the determination of the Federation of Portuguese Wine Brotherhoods (F.P.C.B.) and its members to play an active part on the international scene. Among the actions reviewed were the translation into Portuguese of the F.I.C.B. multilingual lexicon, soon to be posted on line, the promotion of F.I.C.B. in Portugal and in Portuguese-speaking countries and, why not, the organization of a future F.I.C.B. Congress.

The programme included several memorable visits :

  • The Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto, guardian of the quality and fame of the wines of the region
  • One of the major factories of the AMORIM Group, the first world producer of cork stoppers
  • The Quinta da Boiera in Gaia, where, i.a., is located the biggest Port bottle in the world, inside which there is a restaurant and a wine tasting room
  • The Quinta da Aveleda, a major winery in the Vinho Verde region

The president of F.P.C.B., member of F.I.C.B., Pedro REGO and Albino JORGE of the Porto wine brotherhood, and also Vice-president of F.I.C.B. for Portugal, were the main hosts of this visit. Mario CORREIA, Grand Master of the Vinho Verde wine brotherhood, member of F.I.C.B. and president of the F.C.B.P. general assembly and Luis MADUREIRA PIRES, of the Alentejo wine brotherhood and member of the F.P.C.B. council took also part in the meetings, as well as Carlos PINTO RIBEIRO of the Quinta de Boiera.

First contact at the Porto British Club
Manuel de NOVAES CABRAL, president of IVDP, and Alan BRYDEN
Visit to the Quinta de Boiera with Albino JORGE and Carlos PINTO
The biggest cork stopper in the world…
…and the biggest Port bottle in the world at Quinta de Boiera
Wine tasting room inside the bottle
Antonio GUEDES, owner, welcomes visitors at Quinta da Aveleda
Amorim cork stopper factory
Encounter in Lisbon with Confraria de Alentejo

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