Online wine tastings in Portugal

The Portuguese Federation of Bachic Brotherhoods has not remained inactive in these times of pandemic.

Com o passar do vinho os anos melhoram” ( With the passage of the wine the years improve )

It is with this motto invented for the occasion that it has organised online tastings to introduce the brotherhoods and regional producers, on Thursdays at 6 pm, and by making it known on Facebook (
Successively the Brotherhoods of Our Lady of the Tagus, Vinho Verde, the wines of Lisbon-Estremadura, Alentejo, and the oenogastronomy of Madeira were mobilised to organise sessions, attracting participants as far away as Brazil.
These sessions usually last half an hour, often more when there are questions. They begin with a presentation by the organising Brotherhood, then the floor is given to a few producers to present their wines.
The last sessions were devoted to festive wines.
Here is a video to get into the atmosphere !

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