Perpignan, European wine city 2019: Symposium of the Commende Majeure du Roussillon 21 to 23 June

In the South of France, between the Mediterranean sea and the Pyrenees mountains, Perpignan, former capital city of the Kingdom of Majorca, has been named « European wine city » for the year 2019 by the RECEVIN network.

Many events are to take place on this occasion, under the auspices of the Comité interprofessionnel des vins du Roussillon.

To celebrate this exceptional year, the Commende Majeure du Roussillon, member of F.I.C.B., will host an international gathering of wine and food brotherhoods- the SYMPOSIUM- on next 21, 22 and 23 June, focusing on the wines from Roussillon.

The Commende Majeure du Roussillon dates back to a « patent letter » received from Pierre d’Aragon on 26 July 1374, confirming the privilege given in 1229 and instituting the “Order of the guardians of the privilege to monitor the duty and the law of vine and wine”. Reinstated in 1964, this wine brotherhood aims at promoting and publicizing the whole range of wines from the Roussillon area.

Today, the wines of Roussillon are in perfect harmony with the wine trends of this beginning of the 21st century, with identity wines, supple tannins, Mediterranean generosity and fresh finals. They include the vintners’ pride to perpetuate the emblematic Mediterranean tradition of Natural Sweet Wines and of the “rancio” taste, the typical aroma of such wines. They comprise 9 AOC and 2 IGP in dry wines, 5 AOC in Natural Sweet Wines.

Over 3 days, the Symposium will include :

Friday 21 June : tour of Perpignan, conference on the Roussillon wines, history, varietals, marketing and formal opening cocktail party

Saturday 22 June : visits of wine estates, wine tasting and lunch on the spot

Sunday 23 June : Grand Chapter of the Commende Majeure du Roussillon, including a mass, a procession, the Chapter, inductions and gala lunch

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Contact : Jean-Claude ESTIRACH, Grand Master of the Commende Majeure de Roussillon, Doyen de l’Académie des Confréries du Languedoc-Roussillon,Vice-Président France du CEUCO

Tél : (33) 06 08 33 35 46 ou fixe : 04 68 34 52 23

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The year programme of “PERPIGNAN , EUROPEAN WINE CITY 2019”:


A Chapter of the Commende Majeure du Roussillon
Induction of Alan Bryden, president of F.I.C.B.
Aerial view of the Palace of the Kings of Majorca
The beautiful Mount Canigou in the backstage
The Mediterranean and the village of Collioure nearby

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