On Monday 30 May 2016, the Institut Supérieur Clorivière inaugurated the first pedagogical vineyard located inside the city of Paris (France). This vineyard is part of the development of a recognized diploma for the marketing and sales of wines and spirit created in 2012 (BTS-A), the only one of its kind delivered in Paris proper. The vineyard is characterized by the choice of fungus resistant grape varieties, avoiding the use of pesticides.
The vineyard is located within the compound of the Institut Supérieur Clorivière, hosted by the Foundation Eugène Napoléon, near the Place de la Nation. This Foundation was created at the end of the XIXth century thanks to Empress Eugénie, the wife of Napoléon III and is dedicated to education.
The Confrérie Bachique Clorivière, a wine brotherhood member of F.I.C.B. since 2015, was created to initiate the students of the BTS-A to the values and activities of wine brotherhoods, to honor the professionals and teachers who support the cursus and to give access to the international network provided by F.I.C.B.
The pedagogical vineyard was inaugurated by Ms. Catherine BARATTI-ELBAZ, mayor of the XIIth district of Paris, with many personalities present, including :
- Mr Benoît TARCHE, commissaire général du Concours Général Agricole,
- Mr Vincent PUGIBERT, winegrower, Domaine de la Colombette, president of PIWI-France (see below),
- Mr Patrice BERSAC, president of the syndicat des vignerons (winegrowers) d’Ile-de-France, who assisted in setting up and plant the 180m² pedagogical vineyard
A Chapter of the Confrérie Bachique Clorivière was held after the inauguration and allowed the induction of personalities in attendance, as well as that of the third class of students of the BTS-A, by the Grand Master, Mr. Cyril NIOL, in the presence of Alan BRYDEN, president of F.I.C.B.
Links :
The BTS-A of the Institut Supérieur Clorivière : www.cloriviere.org/annonces/3118-btsa-technico-commercial-option-vin-et-spiritueux-par-apprentissage-ou-professionnalisation
The Institut Supérieur Clorivière : www.cloriviere.org/
PIWI International (promotion of fungus resistant wine varieties): www.piwi-international.de/en/