Cocorico’s 15th Vines Symposium in Auvers/Oise

Cocorico, the Coordination of the Brotherhoods of Ile de France, organizes every two years a Symposium, event aiming at sharing reflexion and knowledge in the fields of the vine and the wine, and to make meet and give visibility to our beautiful brotherhoods of Ile de France.

This year, the event took place on Saturday, October 23, on the grounds of the Pressoir Auversois, in Auvers/Oise, a pretty village located about 20 kilometers northwest of Paris, still bearing the touch of great artists such as Charles-François Daubigny and Vincent Van Gogh.

The morning was devoted to conferences:

Denis Boireau, a scientist who devotes his free time to both associative viticulture and wine tasting, enlightened the audience on resistant grape varieties, these hybrids that are the fruit of research and resist without treatment to attacks by oidum and mildew.

Gabriel Lepousez, neurobiologist and researcher at the Pasteur Institute, and also designer of a training course at the Ecole du Nez of oenologist Jean Lenoir, explained the neurobiological foundations of the sense of smell, and the reasons why each of us is different in terms of recognition and sensitivity.

Robin Bourcerie, musician and musicologist (author of a thesis on the theme presented), took the audience into the effervescent world of drinking songs and tunes of 17th century France, where thousands of texts and sometimes music were published, bringing to life the ways of consumption and celebration.

Michel Miersman, author of a historical work on viticulture in his village of Noisy le Grand (located east of Paris), explained the methodology he used and encouraged the audience to conduct historical research on this theme.

Finally, Thierry Bitschené, from the Confrérie du Brie de Meaux, presented a short educational film on this AOC cheese made from raw cow’s milk, with a soft rind and a bloomy crust, which is shaped like a thin white wheel 35 cm in diameter.

In the afternoon, the brotherhoods present paraded in great style,

to the sound of the hunting horns of the Rallye Vau-Vent

and the accordions, cabrettes and hurdy-gurdies of the Bourrée Auvergnate.

A blessing was given in the church of Notre Dame de l’Assomption, the same one immortalized by Vincent Van Gogh.

The participants could then go to the Médiathèque and visit the exhibition of the works by cartoonist Michel Roman, as well as the drawings and poems on the vine of the children of the schools.

The day ended with a gala dinner attended by more than 200 people, in the presence of Babette de Rozières, General Councillor of Ile de France and special delegate for gastronomy, and Isabelle Mézières, Mayor of Auvers.

The results of the Ile de France Wine Competition for the 2019 and 2020 vintages were announced:

the Confrérie de l’Asperge et de la vigne de Sannois (vignes d’Argenteuil) for its red 2020, the Confrérie du Clos Saint Vincent de Noisy le Grand for its white 2019, and the Confrérie des côteaux de Sucy-en-Brie for its white 2020 won gold…

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