The Young Echansons celebrate the Chapter of the Flowers

The Conseil des Echansons de France has set up the “Circle of Young Echansons” which aims to interest young people under 40 to get involved in the brotherhood and in the expert knowledge of wine. This “Circle” organizes its own tastings and aims to attract younger generations to the brotherhood by organizing attractive events for them.

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, the “Young Echansons” were entrusted with organizing the entire annual Flower Chapter of the Conseil des Echansons de France, renamed the “Chapter of Flowers” to honor the floral flavors that are encountered in wines. The theme chosen was that of Touraine and its Loire wines, in the footsteps of Honoré de Balzac.

The participants were invited to participate in a blind tasting and a quiz on wine and literature, with prizes.

The induction ceremony, orchestrated also by the “Young Echansons”, allowed to receive as “Compaignon” Guillaume FILIU, young man passionate about wine and enology and to promote Eric MEILHOC to the rank of Grand Officer, who is a member fo the Perfumers’ Society and perfume commentator at Annick GOUTAL, a renowned perfume producer. M. MEILHOC gave the audience a session of discovery of floral odors, connecting them to those that one can find in wines.

The meal and the wines that accompanied it illustrated the gastronomic diversity and the richness of the wines of the Loire Valley.

A successful chapter, friendly and informative: the succession is preparing well!

The Young Echansons around Claude JOSSE, Grand Chancellor
of the Conseil des Echansons de France and Eric MEILHOC promoted Grand Officer

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